Influence by fraction
Which political group exerts the most parliamentary and public influence?
We analyze the relative influence of the individual parliamentary groups by comparing their share of seats with their percentage share of influence - assuming that all parties have the same number of parliamentarians. This shows how the total influence is distributed among the individual parliamentary groups. The result shows whether the individual parliamentary groups use their influence either above or below average.
Factional strength ≠ public and parliamentary influence.
The results show that the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, as well as the SPD parliamentary group, are more influential in parliamentary work in relation to their respective parliamentary group size. In each case, the values are significantly higher than the value corresponding to their parliamentary group size.
The FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag is least likely to use its parliamentary group strength for parliamentary influence. The Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen parliamentary group also performs slightly below average.
In the public influence score, we see the inverse: here, the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen parliamentary group is significantly stronger.
The SPD parliamentary group and especially the CDU/CSU parliamentary group are significantly weaker than their parliamentary group size would suggest.
The AfD parliamentary group is also unable to exert any above-average influence in the public perception, despite the strength of some individual politicians in the Public Score.